In English

Tampere Association of Graduate Women

The Tampere Association of Graduate Women was established in 1949. The association is a low-threshold network for graduate women living in the Tampere region.  

The association promotes equality in the turbulence of the academic working life and educational reforms. In 2016, there were 70 members in the association.

The Tampere Association of Graduate Women organises meetings and discussions, visits and cultural activities as well as trips, parties and get-togethers. The association sponsors awards and scholarships for Master’s theses and doctoral dissertations that deal with and promote the aims and objectives of the association.

The Tampere Association of Graduate Women is a local member in the Finnish Federation of Graduate Women (FFGW; in Finnish, Suomen Akateemisten Naisten Liiton, SANL-FKAF) comprising around 1,000 members. The FFGW federation is a member of the Nordic network, Kvinnliga Akademikers Nordiska Nätverk, KANN and a member of the University Women of Europe, UWE, as well as in Finland a member of the National Council of Women of Finland (Naisjärjestöjen Keskusliitto ry, NJKL).

As a member of the Tampere Association of Graduate Women, you are able to interact with professionals of different ages with a variety of expertise in diverse professional fields. When we work together, we have a better chance to influence national and international efforts for equality and educational development.

To join us, please use this webform.

You can also contact us by using this contact form.

Or you can send us a message to our e-mail: info( a )

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